Monday, July 23, 2012

Sips, Week Seven - Sampan

So, originally this post was intended to be tagged "Sips, Week Seven - Corner", however upon entering Corner Bar last Wednesday a few things were immediate:  it was CRAZY crowded and it had NO (or very little) air conditioning.  My walk to Corner was hot enough, and I could not fathom standing on top of my fellow Sipsters while consuming the Boom Swagger Sangria.  I'm definitely disappointed, as I love Corner Bar. 

Dear Corner, we'll be back.

Alas, we headed down the stairs from the cozy rooftop location at Corner to swing over to Sampan.  Sampan is another clear Sips favorite.  The drinks are cool and the looping  movie sounds in the bathrooms are even cooler. (Who doesn't want to wash their hands to the sounds of Twelve Monkeys?)  We were able to grab seats right away and order up some fizzy drink that is topped off with champagne.  Yes, please.  

This week's Sips had clear highs and lows.
First the highs:
1. Re-connecting with an amazing girlfriend that I haven't caught up with in years.  SO great!  Love old friends!
2. Two words:  Saki Sangria.  It's like candy.  Good call, Sampan
3. I was reminded that men should not wear cargo shorts.  What DO you need those extra pockets for.  Thanks for the laughs, Lee -- Cargo Jesus will never make an appearance in our lives again
4. Sampan does us all a favor and hires a handful of super hot waiters.  Another good call.

...and the Lows:
1.  Sampan's bar area is a bit narrow.  I'm unsure of the exact number of people who stepped on my feet or accidentally took an elbow while I was wildly gesturing during what was clearing a riveting discussion...
2.  The female bartenders at Sampan seem to despise those of the same gender.  This is clearly speculation, but a shared theory by others
3.  As much as we love Sampan, so does clear douchebaggery (see for further explanation).  Guys, a little hint:  don't approach a girl, chat her up for a couple of hours, then tell her that you have three girlfriends out on the Main Line.  It may have worked for those three, but it's not going to enhance any relationship with the self-respecting Sipster sister.  Just because you put on a suit and tie doesn't mean that you're not lame.  A good reminder for the ladies!
4.  See #3 from the Highs

There are few bad times at Sampan.  All in all, I would consider Sips, Week Seven to be a raging success.  

Addendum to Week Seven:

Because I have no Wednesday self control, and because the rules have already been broken, we stopped by Alfa for a post-Sips cocktail.  Who knew that Alfa was serving a HUGE plate of tater tots for only TEN dollars?!  Not this girl.  I've never been a huge fan of Alfa before last week.  Typically the eerie darkness and lounge-y atmosphere isn't for me, but I'm reformed.  Thank you Alfa for eliminating any pending hangover.  

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